Let’s talk about money

Everyone could use simple tools for managing their money. Many have never been taught how to put together a simple budget, make it balance, or put away savings for a rainy day.

With CAP Money Coaching, your church will provide the solution with a simple course that that has transformed the finances of thousands of Aussies.

Learn the skills to coach people in your church and community through a simple budgeting course that teaches the basics of money management in a relaxed, simple way. In a few short sessions, you will take people step-by-step through building a budget, making it balance, and putting a system in place to make it stick.

The course covers

How to build and balance a budget
Step-by-step, using CAP’s powerful online budgeting tool that does all the hard work automatically.

The CAP Money System
A simple way to set up finances so that bills are taken care of, everyday expenses are covered, and debt can be paid off.

Taking control of money
Organising money and using cash week-to-week to understand exactly how much is being spent — and what it’s being spent on.

How do I become a CAP Money Coach?

CAP provides the training, resources and support to equip you to join hundreds of churches across Australia who are bringing a Biblical approach to financial wellbeing to thousands of people every year.

Training as a CAP Money Coach couldn’t be easier with the CAP Money online training platform. You’ll be guided by Stuart, Head of CAP Money, through everything you need to know about being a coach and running the course.

You can train in your own time, at your own pace, and from your own home. Once you’ve become a CAP Money Coach, you’ll be given access to plenty of additional resources and support to help you make the most of CAP Money.

Please contact CAP using the below details if you would like to be trained as a CAP Money Coach.

Call: 1300 303 929
Email: churchpartnership@capaust.org

Get your free information pack

Pop in a few details to download your information pack.

For some people, budgeting was a revelation. To see their excitement at getting control of their money was fantastic. It was using the CAP money system, and being able to tell every dollar that comes into your household where to go, that really made the difference.


CAP Money Coach

CAP’s programs, training and support have ensured that we are able to provide people with the tools they need to journey toward financial health. The partnership has strengthened us as well as those we endeavour to serve in this way.


Senior Pastor

By volunteering with CAP at my church I get to walk alongside people as they journey into financial freedom. I love that CAP’s programs not only minister to people’s practical needs but also their spiritual needs.


CAP Money Coach