Join us in praying for the CAP community. Here are the latest prayer points we can pray into together:

Please note: These prayer points may cover topics such as illness and domestic abuse.

  • Please pray for the health and wellbeing of the CAP community.
  • Two supporters would like prayer for family reconciliation.
  • A supporter has requested prayer for a family friend whose young child has been in hospital. Please pray for wisdom in the provision of appropriate care from medical professionals and for comfort and support for the family.
  • Please pray for the health, strength and wisdom of two pastors who are married and approaching retirement. The husband has had health issues, so the wife has been taking lead as Senior Pastor. Please pray for them as they follow God’s leading in future leadership changes.
  • There have been many requests for support in the greater Perth area. Please pray for more churches in Perth to take up the important mission of walking alongside people experiencing financial distress while sharing the love of Jesus.
  • The Australian Government has just released a report called “Financial abuse: an insidious form of domestic violence”. The report contains 61 important recommendations to prevent further harm through financial abuse. Please pray that stakeholders are able to implement these recommendations, and that greater protections will be made available to victims/survivors.


The Australian Government (2024). Financial abuse: an insidious form of domestic violence.