A volunteer’s heart

27 May, 2021

The CAP family is full of incredible volunteers from churches right around the country. This is the story of Margaret and Janell.

“When I met Janell, she was very, very distressed…”


Margaret has been volunteering as a CAP debt coach for nearly 10 years. Even after all this time, her care and determination to bring the love of God into desperate situations remains as strong as ever.

“I’m passionate about people who have been hurt by other people. And I’m passionate about people who are struggling with debt, who have no way out.”

Janell was referred to the debt centre at Margaret’s church, C3 Victory. However, Janell wasn’t answering Margarets calls. But rather than let it go, she felt God nudge her — Janell really needed someone.

So, she went over to her house, and discovered Janell at her lowest.

A story of extending Jesus’ love

Janell and her four kids were having a hard time. Living in temporary accommodation, with no plan or hope for the future, too overwhelmed to accept help (you can watch Janell’s full story here).

She was hiding from letters, too scared to answer her phone and struggling to put food on the table. Margaret was the friend she desperately needed.

“She’s rocked up to say hello and find out why I hadn’t answered her phone calls — and I was a mess. I’d had a meltdown”


More than putting together some budgets, Margaret has remained by Janell’s side for the whole journey. It took two years of working with CAP and journeying with Janell to bring her and her finances to a good place.

With patience and love, Margaret showed up again and again for Janell. She saw Janell’s self-confidence grow and others from the church form friendships of support with her.

“One of the biggest changes I’ve seen is that Janell has finally grasped what God can do, she finally realized that God is real.” — Margaret

The church has been by Janell’s side through it all. As she worked through her debt, as she learned to budget and save. They were there to help Janell set up her permanent home, and to show her the love God has for her.

For Margaret, she’s simply living out her faith.

“I take what I’ve learned, the love that God showed me, and I show that love to Janell and I see her putting that into action, growing stronger each day”

The result is life changing.

CAP and the Church together are a powerful force. It’s amazing to see a peek of God’s kingdom come here to earth.

But there are challenges

Right now, not every story can look like Janell’s.

“I go above and beyond for Janell. But I can’t do it for everybody. Because I see one person one week, then I see another person next week, and another person that week after… we need people in our church community to come alongside”


Margaret can’t do it all, C3 Victory can’t do it all — the need is too great. The good news is, CAP is ready.

CAP has been working on more sustainable ways to equip churches to serve and include the poor, so that the movement of Churches that Australia needs can be made a reality. Churches that are ready to practically help people, embrace them in community, and walk together towards Jesus.  

“CAP gives them a financial hope, and a financial future. And if we in the church get alongside them, we can give them a lot of hope.” — Margaret

But this can’t happen without people like you.

You can partner with CAP, God and His Church to be the answer for the distressed in our communities. Find out ways you can join the movement today.

“I think the help from both CAP and the Church works because we are multifunctional people, we are body, soul, and spirit, and we have different kinds of needs, and CAP does the financial part of it all… people need financial help, but they also need help in other areas of their life”


Janell’s Story